If Purchasing to ship to a Non EU country all VAT paid can be refunded following export of goods.
To claim VAT refund you will need to ship goods within 90 days of purchase. Following shipment please forward copy of shipping certificate which must clearly identify title of goods shipped and also invoice number they relate to. All goods sold will always have a full VAT invoice to accompany them.
If purchasing goods for delivery to an EU country these can be sent VAT free providing buyer supplies copy of headed company letter which clearly states their current VAT number.
To claim VAT refund you will need to ship goods within 90 days of purchase. Following shipment please forward copy of shipping certificate which must clearly identify title of goods shipped and also invoice number they relate to. All goods sold will always have a full VAT invoice to accompany them.
If purchasing goods for delivery to an EU country these can be sent VAT free providing buyer supplies copy of headed company letter which clearly states their current VAT number.